Shirley Bentwitch - It all started in Shirley’s studio in Tel Aviv when I joined her pregnancy class yoga while I was pregnant with my second son. Shirley is a pioneer in her field and created a special method combining active birth principles with yoga, which focuses on principles of breathing, movement, relaxation and mindfulness.
Janet Balaskas - During my second pregnancy my love to the yoga practice expanded. When I moved to London in 2002, I knew that I have to get my pregnancy yoga teacher certificate with the teacher who influenced my first yoga teacher back in Israel. Studying with Janet Balaskas was a dream come true and I had the privilege to share my love for pregnancy yoga with many pregnant ladies since.
Sarah Litton - Sarah is on the faculty team that leads the Yogacampus teacher training. She is my yoga-therapy teacher since 2003 and continues to be a source of guidance and friendship which I am fully grateful for. Sarah keeps reminding me about the power and meaning of determination, ever since I have met her while attending the second teacher training intake at Yoga Campus.
Margie Pope - Margie is an Ayurveda therapist as well as the owner of CrossFit Shoreditch. In my early thirties I suffered from Urticaria which is a skin condition. Since Margie got into the picture the healing process was inevitable. Her knowledge and passion of her work sparked the light in me to keep exploring Ayurveda.
Para Yoga - I have been studying with Para Yoga since 2007 and have completed nearly 400 hours of dedicated trainings, and for that I am grateful. The teachings inspire and guide me ever since to share the magic found in Tantra, yoga and mediation.
Dr. Kristin Neff and Chris Germer - Kristin Neff's book “Self Compassion - The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself” and Chris Germer ’s book “The Mindful Path to Self Compassion” don’t leave my bedside. Studying with both of them was a privilege and integrating their practices in my life and sharing was truly life changing.
Judith Henson Lasater - since March 2014 I have been blessed to study with Judith Henson Lasater and invite ease into my life through the Restorative practice. I have been trained with her on her Restorative Relax and Renew Yoga teacher training L1 and Advance. All my classes for adults as well as for children include a restorative practice ever since.
Donna Farhi - Donna Farhi is the author of "Bringing Yoga into Life" which in one of her four well known books. Her practice reminded me the beauty in movement and the power of listening to our body and mind’s needs. I will not forget when I first studied with Donna back in 2003 where I could feel my whole body moving with joy.
Doug Keller - Doug’s two volume books on “Yoga as a Therapy” accompany my practice daily. After graduating from the “The Therapeutic Wisdom of Yoga” training with him in 2007 I knew that the therapeutic path of yoga will continue and be part of my yoga sharing. I continue and study with Doug ever since and apply, in the best way I can, his tremendous knowledge which he generously shares.
Lisa Kaley Isley - Lisa is a licensed clinical psychologist who has conducted research trials into yoga therapy for anxiety, depression and various medical disorders. Training with Lisa on her “Yoga for Anxiety and Depression” and other related courses, allowed me to better understand how creativity can help in preventing anxiety in adults and children and include yoga for anxiety in all my offerings.
Jo Jyoti Manual - Jyoti is the founder of Special Yoga and runs teacher training around the world for yoga for children with special need. Our paths crossed in 2004 when I joined her 'Teaching Yoga and Mindfulness to Children' teacher training as well as multiple trainings for children with special need. Jyoti continues to inspire me and it has been a privilege to close a circle and be part of Special Yoga 'Teaching Children’s Yoga and Mindfulness to Children' teacher training team until December 2018.
I was blessed to learn with and be inspired by more incredible yoga teachers which include Shiva Rea, Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Charlotta Martinez, Richard Freeman, Tias Little and Aadil Palkhivala. All in which enriched my learning and contribute dramatically to my evolving life journey.