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Restorative Siesta

13:00-14.00 (UK Time)


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The aim of ‘Restorative Siesta’  is to offer an opportunity for our brain, nervous system and body to receive a loving rest.

Studies show that a short nap in the mid-afternoon can boost memory, lift your mood and ease stress.


What to expect from a ‘Restorative Siesta’ session?

We will start with gentle somatic movement on the floor with an intention to start and help the body, breath, and mind to move into a supported rest. Following that you will be guided through two different restorative poses which will correspond with the intention of the session.

‘Restorative Siesta’ is designed as a block of four sessions. The sessions are built in a progressive way which also means that the stretch of silence within the restorative poses will expand as we progress with each session.

The sessions will conclude with time allocated for a short guided reflection to allow you continue peacefully and joyfully with the rest of your day.



Every session we will use props including: pillows (the more the merrier), blankets (the more the merrier), pile of books (not a must), a scarf (to rest on your eyes), and a comfortable space on the floor. All that with the aim to create a special space which invites you to lie down on it while being warm in a preferably quiet surrounding and with a curious mind to explore rest.

If you are using yoga props it will be a bolsters, blankets, 2-4 yoga blocks, and eye pillow.


What is a restorative yoga?

Restorative yoga aims to help support the body to tap into the ‘Relaxation Response’, a term coined by Dr. Herbert Benson in the 1970’s describes the body’s ability to counter the stress reaction.

Restorative yoga includes getting very comfortable and as my teacher Judith Henson Lasater says “restorative poses are poses being rather than doing”

(Judith Henson Lasater, 2011)

The notion of a restorative yoga is to support the physical body in such way that there is no muscular tension and as the body starts to ease into the props and receive their support, the breath can become softer and slower, and the nervous system can tap into the ‘relaxation response’ which is essential for our whole wellbeing.


All sessions will be recorded.

* You will be directed to for payment

* You will be directed to for payment

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Introduction to Yoga and Creativity for Children

Project Name

Join Ayala to discover how adults can support and maintain a high level of creativity in children, so that they can grow up and stay connected to their creativity? In this workshop we will explore the different ways yoga enables us to hold and create an enriching environment for children and how to use yoga to help enhance traits and skills in children to help unfold their creativity

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